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Raleigh: (919) 329-0095
Charlotte: (704) 392-0811
  • Fairway Green is the premier yard company in my book...Their attention and focus has created a beautiful carpet of green and against my blue home….5 Stars for Fairway Green! Many thanks!! -Sandra E.
  • Fairway had transformed my front yard into the nicest on the block. Now have them helping with my back yard. No doubt be just as impressive. Field & Office staff very knowledgeable and helpful. -Erin B.
  • Fairway Green is an excellent service for us. We have been using them for over 3 years now and all of our neighbors have switched them as well. If you have an issue, they are right on it and get you taken care of quickly. -Andy H.
  • Great customer service and a great looking lawn!!!! -Tom T.
  • Great company! Easy to work with! Great results! -Aaron S.
  • The seeding crew was here and at our other property and they did an excellent job. All areas were well covered with aeration and seeding. Thank you for getting this done correctly. -Jessie T.
  • We want to acknowledge Fairway Green for the outstanding service and guidance over the last few years. -Kim and Bill S.

Lawn Fertilization Services in Raleigh and Charlotte, NC

Providing Essential Plant Nutrients

There is no way around it, Fescue, Bermuda, Zoysia, Centipede and St. Augustine lawns need sufficient nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to survive and flourish. Proper fertilization on all of these turf types in the Triangle not only help your lawn look green and healthy but can also help to control weed infestation, resist insects, resist disease and aid in the recovery from drought or heat stress. Our Raleigh, Durham, Charlotte, and Cary NC lawn care services take the guess work out of your required lawn care management and result in the greenest, healthiest lawn possible.

How Our Lawn Fertilization Service Works

At Fairway Green, we understand that your lawn is unique, which is why our fertilization process is tailored to meet its specific needs. Here’s a glimpse into how we work to keep your lawn lush and healthy:

  1. Expert Analysis: Our licensed lawn care technicians start by conducting a thorough analysis of your lawn. We assess the grass type, soil condition, and overall lawn health to create a customized fertilization plan.
  2. Customized Fertilization Plan: Based on our analysis, we develop a fertilization plan that suits the specific needs of your lawn. Whether it’s Fescue, Bermuda, Zoysia, Centipede, or St. Augustine, we know the exact nutrient requirements for each grass type.
  3. Seasonal Applications: We time our fertilization applications to coincide with the key growth periods of your lawn. This ensures optimal nutrient absorption and promotes a robust, green lawn throughout the year.
  4. Professional Application: Our team of experts carefully applies the fertilizers using state-of-the-art equipment. We ensure even coverage and the right amount of nutrients for your lawn.
  5. Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments: Lawn care is an ongoing process. We monitor the progress of your lawn and make necessary adjustments to the fertilization plan as your lawn grows and changes through the seasons.
  6. Customer Education and Support: We believe in keeping you informed. Our team is always available to answer your questions and provide tips on how to maintain your lawn’s health between our visits.

By entrusting your lawn to Fairway Green, you’re not just getting a service; you’re gaining a partner dedicated to making your lawn the envy of the neighborhood.

Benefits of Fertilizing Your Lawn

A well-fertilized lawn is the cornerstone of a vibrant landscape. Here are the benefits you’ll enjoy with our specialized lawn fertilization services:

  1. Enhanced Growth and Greenness: Proper fertilization leads to denser grass growth and a deeper green color, making your lawn a standout feature.
  2. Improved Lawn Health: Nutrients from fertilizers strengthen grass roots, resulting in a healthier, more resilient lawn that can better withstand stress from weather, foot traffic, and pests.
  3. Weed and Pest Reduction: A robust, well-fed lawn is the best defense against weeds and pests. Healthier grass means less room for unwanted invaders.
  4. Increased Property Value: A lush, well-maintained lawn not only boosts curb appeal but also contributes to the overall value of your property.
  5. Environmental Benefits: Healthy lawns play a crucial role in oxygen production and pollution reduction, contributing to a cleaner and greener environment.
  6. Customized Care: With Fairway Green, your lawn receives exactly what it needs, when it needs it. Our experts tailor fertilization to your lawn’s unique characteristics.

Fertilization Programs

  • Cool season grass: Fescue is regarded as a cool season grass that tries to stay green all year making it a popular aesthetic choice for Triangle residents. Fairway Green offers a comprehensive annual fertilization program for Tall Fescue and Turf-Type Tall Fescue mixtures to promote and enhance your cool season lawn.
  • Warm season grass: Warm-season grasses such as Bermuda, Zoysia, Centipede and St. Augustine actively grow and are green from May to September. All warm season turf is dormant (brown) from Late September to May in the Transitional Zone. A proper fertilization program is imperative on individual warm season species. Fairway Green’s warm season turf fertilization program will ensure your type of turf is fertilized with the correct amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium throughout the year.

Contact us TODAY to receive a free detailed lawn analysis with the proper fertilization recommendations for your unique lawn needs!

Fertilization FAQs

When Can I Mow My Lawn After Fertilizing?

Yes you can mow your yard after fertilization depending on the type of fertilizer used. For liquid fertilizer, we always recommend waiting 24-48 hours before cutting your lawn. However, after a granular fertilizer, you can mow right away. When mowing, always allow the clippings to return to the ground unless the lawn has grown too tall.

When Is The Best Time To Fertilize My Lawn?

This depends on whether you have cold-season or warm-season grass. If you have a cold-season grass like fescue, fertilize two weeks after it starts to green in the fall. For warm-season grasses like bermuda, fertilize two weeks after it starts to green in the spring.

Should I Water My Lawn After Fertilizing? If So, When?

Yes, you should wait 24 hours after fertilizing to water your lawn. Then, when you do water your lawn, it should get a consistent water flow for a couple of hours so it thoroughly sinks in.

How Often Should You Fertilize Your Lawn?

The frequency of lawn fertilization depends on the type of grass and soil conditions. Generally, a lawn should be fertilized every 5-6 weeks during the growing season. However, at Fairway Green, we customize the fertilization schedule based on a detailed analysis of your lawn to ensure optimal health and growth.

Can You Place Grass Seeds and Fertilize at the Same Time?

Yes, you can apply grass seeds and fertilizer simultaneously, but it requires careful coordination. The type of fertilizer and seeding method must be compatible to ensure effective growth. Our lawn care experts can provide guidance and services to achieve the best results for your lawn.

Does Rain Effect When a Lawn Should Be Fertilized?

Rain can influence the timing of fertilization. Ideally, fertilizing should be done when a light rain is expected, as it helps the soil absorb the nutrients. However, heavy rain can wash away the fertilizer. We monitor weather patterns to choose the best time for fertilization, ensuring your lawn receives maximum benefit.

Turf Maintenance Plans for Every Lawn

Looking for ongoing lawn care? Our turf maintenance plans provide regular lawn treatments to keep your grass, trees, or shrubs looking their best. Learn more about our plans, find the perfect program for your lawn, and request your free estimate today!

Areas We Serve