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November 2019 News From Fairway Green

Poa Annua (Annual Bluegrass) Poa annua (annual Bluegrass) is a common winter annual grassy weed in all turf types.  Poa annua is one of the more frustrating weeds in home lawns from November to May. It will be found in all turf types. It is easily seen in warm season turf during the winter because… Read more »

Poa Annua (Annual Bluegrass)

Poa Annua (light green) Kentucky Bluegrass (dark blue/green) Fescue in Background

Poa annua (annual Bluegrass) is a common winter annual grassy weed in all turf types.  Poa annua is one of the more frustrating weeds in home lawns from November to May. It will be found in all turf types. It is easily seen in warm season turf during the winter because the turf is dormant while Poa annua is green and actively growing.  However, most people with fescue turf do not realize they have it until late spring when the Poa annua produces tan-colored seed heads and the leaf blades turn an off green.

Poa annua (annual Bluegrass) control in Fescue, is extremely difficult.  It requires two (2) applications of a special product in November, then again in December.  Both must be completed and they need to be completed roughly 30 days apart. This will only control 70% to 75% of the potential Poa annua germination. This application process will not eliminate or control 100% of the possible Poa annua.  Due to excessive product cost, applications are an addition to regular service at the same application price per application. 

Please contact us through the customer portal or visit to request service. 

Poa annua control in Bermuda and Zoysia is completed in the fall from October to December.  It is a special warm season turf product, different from the cool season product that is applied roughly 30 days apart.  This will provide roughly the same level of control as the fescue product. You can expect 75% to 80% control after these two applications.  This product is included with your regular Round Five and Round Six applications

*Reminder, it is rare to get 100% Poa annua control in most managed turf.  

Be Diligent About Keeping Leaves and Other Debris Off the Turf

It is important to remove and keep leaves off your turf.  Severe damage will occur if leaves stay on your turf for extended periods.  Damage can be quick and severe for Fescue lawns that had fall seeding or sod.  It is best to blow leaves off of immature turf rather than raking. It is equally important to keep leaves off dormant warm season turf. 

Fescue Seeding Season Faced Another Challenging Year

Fescue germination and development in 2019 was very slow in September and October due to extremely dry weather.  If you recall, 2018 was difficult due to too much rain promoting diseases killing young seedlings. Germination and development received a push with the return of normal rainfall in October and most lawns responded very well.  

Germination and development will be slow going forward till spring with shorter days (less photosynthesis) and cooler ground temperatures (less than ideal for germination and plant activity). As of this writing, nighttime air temperatures have been below normal causing even cooler ground temperatures than normal this time of year. 


If you still have thin areas and seed on the ground, be patient.  Adding more seed to these areas will not produce a different outcome and just waste seed.  It is not uncommon to have seed germinate and develop throughout the winter and very early spring. Usually, the turf has developed enough to use pre-emergence safely in late February and early March.  Usually, the turf has developed enough to use pre-emergence safely in late February and early March.

Generally, we will receive enough rainfall to maintain good soil moisture this time of year for seedling development.  Seedling development and germination has naturally slowed down allowing vigorous watering to be less. However, if we go through a warm dry period, it may be necessary to water between natural rainfalls.  This can be challenging if you have in-ground irrigation that has been winterized.          

Why Are Different Parts Of My Fescue Lawn Maturing Faster Than Others From Seeding?

It is not uncommon to see different parts of your cool-season turf (fescue) lawn developing faster than others after seeding.  Many lawns have areas with more shade or harder clay soil than others. Perhaps, it is slow in an area with tree roots that were drawing more moisture later in the season. It could be more sun in the day on a section drying the soil faster than others delays development. Rarely does turf germinate, develop and mature at the same rate throughout the lawn. 

Why Are Broadleaf Weeds So Prolific Right Now In My Fescue Lawn?

Broadleaf weeds can be prolific in many fescue laws right now. Late August through late October is the time of year to seed fescue lawns.  Broadleaf weed control can and will cause injury and damage to young immature turf. Therefore, broadleaf weed controls should not be used during this time period and a couple weeks prior to seeding. The current broadleaf weeds will be controlled again when post-emergent weed control can safely be applied.  

Henbit Entering Reproductive Mode

Broadleaf weeds will never stop developing in the lawn, no matter how many years they have been managed.  There are millions of weed seed naturally occurring everywhere in soils even in the woods. Most weed seeds stay viable in the soil profile for many years and do not germinate at the same time.  You can see this natural species survival occur when wooded areas are cleared and broadleaf weeds start to germinate once they have sunlight.  

This is why we try to apply post-emergent broadleaf weed control on most applications every year.  One thing is for sure, broadleaf weeds will never stop developing in managed turf.   

Large Patch Fungus Still A Concern on Warm Season Turf

Large Patch Fungus on Zoysia

Late September starts the Large Patch fungus season on Zoysia, Bermuda, Centipede and St. Augustine. Fairway Green is seeing more cases of this disease every year in our area.  Large Patch Fungus is a damaging disease on Zoysia, Bermuda, Centipede and St. Augustine turf in the fall and early spring. This disease is similar to Brown Patch Fungus on Fescue.  Large Patch Fungus needs to be controlled with two applications of fungicide in the fall and possibly two in the spring when ground temperatures are between 50 and 70 degrees. Damage occurs before you are aware you have it and is not visible until green-up in the spring. Preventative Fungicide in the fall and early spring is the only way to control this disease.

Dormant Oil for Ornamental Trees & Shrubs

Scale on Camelia 

Dormant oil or otherwise known as Horticulture Insecticide Oil can generally be applied safely from now till around March.  Horticultural Oils control insects by suffocation and tissue absorption. Horticulture Oils can be a good insecticide to control some of the difficult to control Scale insects.  However, oils will not help control all Scale insects and eggs. Knowing your insect and proper timing is always the best way to control insect of all types.

Oils are an effective tool in controlling difficult mites and scale.  However, dormant oils can cause plant injury so read and follow the label carefully.  

Reminder About Your Limestone With Micro-nutrients Application

Limestone with micronutrients is part of your regular turf maintenance program and can be applied any time of year. This product is not dependent on timing like your other scheduled services.  Therefore, you may receive this application very close to a previous or upcoming application. This is a regularly scheduled application; not an additional one and is completed throughout the year.    

Important: Email and Text Notifications 

In our continued effort to improve and deliver the best possible turf and ornamental management service, we will be moving to a more efficient method of communication. Fairway Green will be implementing an email/text notification system in the coming months.  The notification will be used for invoicing after service, important alerts pertaining to your lawn and contact before service for customers. This new notification system will help us service your lawn in the most efficient and effective way possible. Please help make this transition as smooth as possible and update/correct your cell number and email addresses in our system.